• Based on the title of this link you’d probably expect it to be an old fart ranting about web standards, but really it’s an important lesson in accessibility… oh, those are the same thing? Right, read on. www.brucelawson.co.uk/2018/the-practical-value-of-semantic-html/ Also on: X

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  • iOS Shortcuts for Firefly III

    Update: I’ve posted new versions of these shortcuts for iOS13 and Firefly III 4.8: www.jessedyck.me/2019/12/updated-firefly-iii-shortcuts-for-ios-13/ I built a couple of iOS shortcuts for Firefly III (a self-hosted personal finance web app) to let me add transactions on the go. I’ve shared some more details and iCloud links to the shortcuts below. The first Shortcut is…

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  • Self-Hosting Fathom analytics behind Apache

    I’m hosting Fathom on my domain at /fathom. It runs its own web server, so I’ve done this using a reverse proxy that makes the Fathom server accessible at that virtual directory. Their self-hosting instructions do have an example configuration for using Fathom with a reverse proxy through NGINX, but not Apache. Fortunately the idea’s…

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  • Newly-Rebuilt Web Server

    Despite the fact that this site seems abandoned, I’ve maintained it through many iterations and many web servers. For the longest time it was hosted on Dreamhost’s shared hosting, but a couple of years ago I decided it was time to move to my own VPS. I chose a Canadian host, LunaNode. Initially I built…

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